时 间:2018年6月21日(星期四)上午8:30-11:30
地 点: 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载文清楼719
题 目:The Debate: The State of Media Literacy
时 间:2018年6月21日(星期四)下午2:00- 5:00
地 点: 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载文清楼617
题 目:MediaLiteracy: FurtherDiscussions and New Approaches
时 间:2018年6月22日(星期五)上午8:30-11:30
地 点: 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载文清楼617
题 目:Empirical Studies I: Concepts, Measurements, and Applications in Media Literacy Research
时 间:2018年6月22日(星期五)下午2:00-5:00
地 点: 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载文清楼617
题 目:Empirical Studies II: Media Literacy and Age Groups
时 间:2018年6月26日(星期二)晚上6:30-8:30
地 点: 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载文逸楼602
题 目:Question - and - Answer Session
主讲人:Dr. Yong Volz.
Dr. Yong Volz is the Roger Gafke Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Journalism Studies at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. She is a former head of the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and is currently a fellow of AEJMC’s Institute of Diversity Leadership. She also serves as the membership chair and research co-chair of the U.S.-based Chinese Communication Association as well as an honorary advisory board member for the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication.
Dr. Volz’s research centers on journalists and their place in society and history. Shehas earned three top paper awards from AEJMC. She also won the Asian Journal of Communication Best Paper Award for International Communication Research. She received the 2017 Alumnae Anniversary Faculty Award from the University of Missouri and the 2018 Adviser of the Year from theKappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society for Journalism and Mass Communication.