近年来,金砖国家互动日益活跃,多边科技创新合作已迈上新的轨道。2016年10月,金砖五国在印度斋普尔分别召开第四届科技创新部长级会议、高管会议,以及科技创新资金资助方会议,发表了《斋普尔宣言》,并通过18项行动计划,中国实施其中四项,其中包括组织“第一届金砖国家信息技术与高性能计算创新合作论坛”。本次论坛由科技部国际合作司主办,九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载承办。皆在发掘金砖各国在人工智能、大数据技术、高性能计算应用和网络安全研究领域的优势,就挑战性问题,如产业转型升级、智能制造、宇宙探索、智慧城市建设等领域开展有金砖国家特色的合作。今年我国担任金砖国家轮值主席国,我们希望通过本次论坛凝练共识、酝酿深入合作领域,在金砖国家科技创新合作框架下建立长效合作机制,争取在三至五年内有实质性成果。研讨的主题分别是:1) 人工智能与大数据分析; 2) 高性能计算应用; 3) 工业物联网与智能制造。
论坛地点:广州市大学城外环西路230号 九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载图书馆附楼学术报告厅
1)Development of a System for Projecting an Agent-Based Model with Running on Supercomputers
Speaker:Valery Makarov (Academician of RAS) and Albert R. Bakhtizin
Affiliation:The Central Economics and Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia.
2)Application of Supercomputers to Structural Based Drug Design, Personalized Medicine, and Atomistic Modeling Deposition of Interference Coatings
Affiliation:Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
3)Scalable and Adaptable Framework for Multidimensional Employment Generation in Rural and Semi Urban Sectors: An Integrated Approach Based on HPC & ICT
Speaker:Swapan Bhattacharya
Affiliation:Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University, India.
4)Government of India Policies Towards the Growth of the Nation in Digital World
Speaker: Ramakant Panigrahi
Affiliation:MSME Development Institute, India.
5)Development of an Atmospheric Simulation Code that can Scale to over 10M Cores
Affiliation:Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
6)The World’s Largest Cosmological Simulation on Tianhe-2 (Galaxy2) Supercomputer
Affiliation:Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
7)Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Speaker:Tshilidzi Marwala
Affiliation:the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
8)The Innovation Challenge of the New Era of Data Intensive Research in Astronomy
Affiliation:University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape, and Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy, South Africa.