主讲人:Chen, Ding-Geng(陈定庚),美国统计学会会士,北卡杰出教授/博士
Wallace H. Kuralt Distinguished Professor.University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
讲座题目:Big Data and Meta-Analytics(大数据与 荟萃分析)
In the big data era, it has become the norm, rather than the exception, that the data collected to address the similar scientific question come from diverse sources of studies. The art and science of synthesizing information from diverse sources to draw a more effective inference is generally referred to as meta-analytics. In recent years, meta-analysis has played an increasingly important role in statistical applications, and its applications to those fields have led to numerous scientific discoveries. This presentation is then designed for an overview of big data sciences, meta-analytics and software implementation in R.
Brief Biography:
Professor Chenis an elected fellow of the American Statistics Association and the elected member of International Statistical Institute. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics fromUniversityofGuelph(Canada) in 1995 and is now the Wallace H. Kuralt distinguished professor,UniversityofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill. Professor Chen was a biostatistics professor at theUniversityofRochester, the Karl E. Peace endowed eminent scholar chair in biostatistics from the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at the Georgia Southern University. Professor Chen is also a senior biostatistics consultant for biopharmaceuticals and government agencies with extensive expertise in clinical trials and bioinformatics. He has more than 200 referred professional publications and co-authored/co-edited 14 books on biostatistics clinical trials, interval-censored survival data modelling, meta-analysis modelling, Monte-Carlo simulation-based statistical modelling, and statistical modeling for bigdata and public health applications.