由广州市植物抗逆基因功能研究重点实验室、九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载作物抗逆国际合作研究中心和九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载生命科学学院联合举办的“2012年植物抗逆生物学国际前沿研讨会”将于5月26日上午8:50~12:00,在生化楼104室召开,会议议程如下: 1 Schedule |
Speaker |
Time |
Chair |
Session I |
Kadambot SIDDIQUE |
9:00~9:35 |
Peiguo GUO |
9:35~10:10 |
Guihua BAI |
10:10~10:45 |
Tea Break |
Session II |
Peiguo GUO |
11:00~11:30 |
Chang-en TIAN |
Chang-en TIAN |
11:30~12:00 |
2 Speckers and their presentation titles
1)Kadambot SIDDIQUE, the University of Western Australia:Can elevated CO2combined with high temperature ameliorate the effect of terminal drought in wheat
2)Kotaro YAMAMOTO, Hokkaido University:MSG2/IAA19-Luciferase fusion as a molecular marker for gravitropism and elongation of Arabidopsis hypocotyl
3)Guihua BAI, Kansas State University:Use of next generation technologies to investigate plant resistance to abiotic stresses
4)Peiguo GUO, Guangzhou University:Association analysis between phenotypic traits and SNPs of drought candidate genes in barley
5)Chang-en TIAN, Guangzhou University:The Arabidopsis IQM1 is involved in stomatal movement and response toPstDC3000 inArabidopsis