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学术举办时间 2019年11月25日 9:30-10:30 学术举办地点 理学实验楼312室
主讲人 刘锐(南开大学)   主题 Approximation properties, frames and general dilation theory

学术报告 (2019083)

报告题目:Approximation properties, frames and general dilation theory





报告摘要: We introduce the frames for Banach and operator spaces, show the equivalence with the bounded approximation property and complemented embedding for operator spaces, and give the duality theorems for frames and associated basis in reflexive spaces. We give a concrete example for reduced free group C*-algebra. Motivated by the connection between the analysis of dual pairs of frames (both the discrete and the continuous theory) and general dilation theory of operator-valued measures on Banach spaces, we give the corresponding fundamental dilation theorems for various operator-valued systems, such as, imprimitivity with a projective isometric group action,  OVMs with bounded p-variation. Furthermore, we obtain (Jordan) dilation theorem from commutative vN algebras to non-commutative case.


报告人简介:刘锐,南开大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,在Memoirs American Mathematical Society,Journal of Functional Analysis Fundamenta Mathematicae杂志发表论文多篇 




上一条:九游体育(中国)官方网站/登录入口/手机APP下载引智项目专家系列讲座(1) 下一条:学术报告(李松教授,喻平教授)

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